Why Attend?

By attending Philanthropy Exchange, you are making an investment in your organization's future and your own professional development. To help you make the decision to attend, the Council created a Benefits Toolkit that contains helpful information on the value of participation.

This year’s annual conference provides a powerful platform for both the exchange of knowledge and the opportunities for development to help you grow as a professional, increase your foundation’s impact in your community, and expand your occupational network. The Philanthropy Exchange offers dedicated programming for all levels of professionals within your organization and features the first merger of Family Philanthropy programming into the annual meeting.

Discover ideas that deliver results for your organization. In addition to addressing big picture issues that are polarizing the nation, see how philanthropy is addressing many of these topics and the emerging trends in the field. By making an investment in yourself and your professional development, your organization will learn best practices and gain new tools to help you increase your impact.

Making the Case to Attend

Consider the following tips when explaining the benefits of the conference to your supervisor:

  • Clearly state what insights and tools you will gain to support your organization’s mission.
  • Offer to give a short demonstration to your peers about what you learned from your conference experience.
  • Distribute the conference highlights and speaker handouts to your peers. Materials presented by the speakers will be made available to attendees.
  • Identify potential collaborations between your organization and other conference attendees.
  • Understand the total costs related to attending the conference. (See “Calculating Total Expenses” Form) Register by April 30 to save $200 on your conference.

Download a template for a letter to your supervisor.


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