The Evaluators' Institute - Feb/March Washington DC program

The Evaluators’ Institute’s next offering includes 19 courses geared toward building the capacity of professional evaluators. With classes taught by some of the top practitioners and instructors in the field, this is a series of courses you won’t want to miss.

Week One

Project Management and Oversight for Evaluators (2 days, Feb 26-27)
Instructor: Tessie Catsambas, MPP

Needs Assessment (2 days, Feb 26-27)
Instructor: Ryan Watkins, PhD

Internal Evaluation (2 days, Feb 26-27)
Instructor: Arnold Love, PhD

Culture and Evaluation (1 day, Feb 28)
Instructor: Leona Ba, EdD

Introduction to Cost-Benefit Effectiveness and Analysis (2 days, Feb 28-March 1)
Instructor: Clive Belfield, PhD

Implementation Analysis (2 days, Feb 28-March 1)
Instructor: Arnold J. Love, PhD

Resource Allocation in Complex Environments (2 days, March 1-2)
Instructor: Doreen Cavanaugh, PhD

Evaluation of Training Programs (2 days, March 2-3)
Instructor: Ann Doucette, PhD

Intermediate Cost-Benefit and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (1-day course, March 2)
Instructor: Joseph J. Cordes, PhD

Week Two

Strategy Mapping (2-day course, March 5-6)
Instructor: John M. Bryson, PhD

Social and Organizational Network Analysis (2-day course, March 5-6)
Instructor: Lynne Franco, ScD

Using Program Evaluation in Nonprofit Environments (1-day course, March 5)
Instructor: Kathryn Newcomer, PhD

Utilization-Focused Evaluation (1-day course, March 6)
Instructor: Michael Quinn Patton, PhD

Effective Reporting Strategies for Evaluators (1-day course, March 7)
Instructor: Kathryn Newcomer, PhD

Working with Evaluation Stakeholders (2-day course, March 7-8)
Instructor: John Bryson, PhD

Developmental Evaluation: Systems and Complexity (2-day course, March 7-8)
Instructor: Michael Quinn Patton, PhD

Outcome and Impact Assessment (3-day course, March 8-10)
Instructor: Mark W. Lipsey, PhD

Mixed-Methods Evaluations: Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches (2-day course, March 9-10)
Instructor: Debra J. Rog, PhD

Policy Analysis, Implementation, and Evaluation (2-day course, March 9-10)
Instructor: Doreen Cavanaugh, PhD

You can find course descriptions and information on how to register at

Our team is standing by to answer any questions. Contact us at for details.

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Organization Name
The Evaluators' Intitute (TEI)
Start Date
End Date