Farhan Latif

El-Hibri Foundation


Foundation Farhan Latif is a philanthropic leader, social entrepreneur, and cross sector mobilizer on inclusion. He is the President of the El-Hibri Foundation, a private foundation that empowers and equips leaders to build thriving, inclusive communities. Prior to joining the Foundation, he led the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding to conduct research that contributes to democracy and pluralism in the US.

He spent over a decade in higher education focused on inclusion of underrepresented, low-income, and first-generation students. As a social entrepreneur, he founded Strategic Inspirations, a social impact consulting firm. Farhan serves as an advisory member on the Council on Foundations Public Policy Committee and the Executive Committee of the MGP Fund that was launched at Stanford University's Hasso Plattner Institute of Design (d.school). He is also a fellow of the American Muslim Civic Leadership Institute. Authors Genieve Abdo and Akbar Ahmad have chronicled Farhan’s journey in combating extremism and working towards inclusion in their books Mecca and Mainstreet: Muslim Life in America After 9/11 and Journey into America: The Challenge of Islam.

Mr. Latif received an MA from Harvard University, where he completed a specialized interdisciplinary program on Social Entrepreneurship, Philanthropy and Education.